If You Want To Know About Top 8 Medical Insurance Mistake & How To Select The Best Medical Insurance Then You Have Come To The Right Place

Top 8 Medical Insurance Mistake || How To Select The Best Medical Insurance?

Medical Insurance Mistake:1

First Mistake is that many people end up taking medical insurance with room. Rent, capping. For example, there can be a limit on room length up to rupees 5000 per night. Now, if you take a room of rupees 10000 per night, then you will have to Shell out additional rupees 5000 per night out of your pocket. Not only is this the biggest 

It's like you need to Shell out money for everything including the surgery. Because in this case you ended up taking a room of rupees 10,000, but your room rent cap is rupees 5000 that is 50%. So they will only approve the claim of 50% on the total bill. Yes, on the total bill. So if your surgery cost is rupees one lakh, then you will have to Shell out rupees 50000 from your own pocket. That's a big catch. Hence, while taking Insurance, make sure there is no rule and capping.

Medical Insurance Tips

Medical Insurance Mistake:2

Second Mistake is people end up opting for a co-payment option. Think this way you take a medical therapies file Act and the annual premium is rupees 10,000. Now, they give you an option to take the co-payment of 20% and you will get additional 25% discount. So you do the math and calculate that with co-payment, you will say rupees two thousand five hundred rupee per year and you take the co-payment option. Let's say there's a surgery and the total is be spy, lack. Guess what? You will have to pay 20%. 

If I like that is one lap out of your own pocket because you opted for co-payment just to say rupees 2000, find it on premium. So make sure you don't need this mistake of taking the co-payment option buttons. 

Health Insurance Tips

Medical Insurance Mistake:3

Third Mistake is people end up opting for no claims bonus, instead of increase in some short. When you take a medical insurance, you will get an option to get some bonus each year. In case you do not make any claim each year. For example, let's say you get a bonus or pitch Two Thousand, On your annual premium of 10,000. Now this sounds like a good deal. What if after three years you end up in a surgery that requires 7.5 black friends, health care, cost in India is rising rapidly. Put a file of might look enough, but it won't be enough after five years. So you have an option to increase your some shot from file act to Six Flags, then seven, lat and likewise in case of no claim. Normally this, some short can be doubled in case of no claim. For example, if you've taken a medical insurance of five lakh, then it can be doubled up to 10 lakh in case of note lie. 

People end up taking know, Kim bonus, instead of increase in some short. So make sure you do not get lured by no claim and or Park increase in some shot.

Top 8 Medical Insurance Mistake & How To Select The Best Medical Insurance

Top Health Insurance Mistake

Medical Insurance Mistake:4

Fourth Mistake is ignoring the waiting period Clause, when you take a medical plan, there's a clause on pre-existing disease. For example, if you have diabetes, then you won't be covered with diabetes for a fixed duration, or if you have a heart issue, then you won't be covered on medical expenses for hard problem for links in three years. If anything happens during that period, you have to build it. Cost, in this case. You need to ensure the medical insurance as minimum waiting period. 

Mistake Of Medical Insurance

Medical Insurance Mistake:5

Fifth Mistake is ignoring the some limit on diseases. Let's say you take a medical plan of rupees 10 lakh and end up with a surgery related to heart issue. And the total bill is rupees 5 lakh. Now, you would think that you don't need to pay anything as you have medical insurance of these 10 lakh, but you might end up being out of your pocket. Medical insurance have a supplement on various diseases. So if you have taken medical insurance of rupees 10 lat. But if 

Supplemental piece to one file icon, heart-related issue, then you will end up paying rupees 2.5 lakh out of your own pocket. So make sure you check the supplement on disease.

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About Health Insurance

Medical Insurance Mistake:6

Six Mistake is not opting for restauration benefits soaking. This way, you opted for a medical plan of rupees 5 lakh, and you ended up with a medical issue. And overall cost is 4 point 5 lakhs. Now, you would be left with only rupees 50000 limit whatever. There is, again, some problem that required to lack, you, would end up paying 1.59 from your own pocket. So always offer restauration benefit to avoid such problems.

Medical Insurance Mistake:7

Seven Mistake is not covering pre and post hospitalization charges. It is not just the surgery cost for hospital treatment that it was money. You also need to spend a lot of money on various diagnoses test, like, MRI CT, scan and many more. These charges are part of pre and post hospitalization, normally people ignore that, but they can also cost you a lot and make sure that your medical insurance covers your pre and post hospitalization charges.

Medical Insurance Mistake:8

Eight mistake is not opting for a cashless facility. And not checking the hospital Network that is covered. The policy. So majority of medical insurance has the option of cashless facility when you don't need to pay anything upfront. Everything is managed Catalyst. Make sure your policy covers Cactus facility. Also, make sure that the best hospitals in your city are told in the hospital network of the insurance policy.

Many people simply take a medical plan based on low annual premium and ignore all these important points. These are the most important factors that you need to keep in mind before taking the medical insurance. If you are single, then take an individual medical insurance, but if you have a family with wife and kids, you cannot Park Family floater, medical insurance, when your entire family would be covered in a single medical plan. Now, the next question is how to take the medical insurance.

About Health Insurance

So there are multiple options. You can reach out to your local agent or you can opt for a miracle.Online. Now, there are a couple of options for online medical plan. You can visit policy bizarre and check out the plans. But one thing that Landon policy bizarre is that they don't provide comprehensive information about the pros and cons of the medical plan. There is another option. You can check out Guitar website. What I liked about detour is they have explained all the important points that a person should keep in mind while taking the insurance policy. Moreover. They violated the pros and cons of every medical plan. So, you can choose a plan according to your needs. Without getting confused with hundreds of medical plan options.


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